Saturday 13 January 2007

Smoking Laws

There is a letter in the paper today from a very disgruntled truck driver, who cannot now smoke in his truck, as it is his workplace.


I bet his driving has improved now he is no longer: carrying a burning stick, and passing it from hand to hand to tap out the ash; bending over his lighter to light a fresh "ciggie"; opening his window (one hand) to toss out the filter (held in his other hand); shaking his next fag out of the packet; trying not to burn his leg on the end of his "ciggie" when turning a sharp corner. I was the only non smoker in my family, and three out of the four of them smoked whilst driving. Only one continues to smoke, and now does not smoke whilst driving, having come to appreciate the risks. Trust me, being their passenger is a lot less stressful now.

Remember the "Hands Off" campaign? It appears to have had it's 15 minutes, but it was always unbalanced, as evidenced by the name. Surely the idea is that people should have hands on the wheel? At the height of the "Hands Off" campaign I saw a truck bombing round Beaumont filter in turn from Beaumont Hill, heading into town, steering left handed - the driver's right hand wrapped round a baguette, and I saw a woman driving through town to drop her child off from school, and as she crawled forward (with pedestrians hovering on the edges of the pavement watching for a tiny break in the traffic to squeeze through) she was leaning up close to the rear view mirror applying mascara.

Free Jersey linked to an article about how it is more dangerous to drive for a living than it is to smoke. Maybe the ban on smoking in the workplace will actually improve the risk for some employees who drive all day (or night) in Jersey, improving the mortality rates for both smokers and drivers.

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