Sunday 29 April 2007

Jersey Food is the best!

We have been to Classic herd again. This weekend we have tried their butter, clotted cream, and pork chops. The chops were delicious, with a wonderful flavour. The cream was very soft for clotted cream, but went very well with some fresh made scones and jam. The butter was very nice, the most striking thing about it being that it was yellow. Very yellow. So yellow that when I first emptied my bags after bringing home the shopping, I kept mistaking the clear pot of butter for my glass of orange juice.

It reminded me of my grandmother, who came over to the island every year, stayed in the Hotel de la Plage, and took great joy in being the fountain of all knowledge about Jersey butter. "Oh no" she would tell new visitors sat on the next table who were poking the butter with concern "it's not off at all. Jersey butter is very yellow. Try it, it's delicious."

But the Jersey butter that we normally buy, the one from Jersey Dairy, that isn't yellow, it's cream. When did Jersey butter stop being yellow? How is it that the Jersey butter from Jersey Dairy is not yellow? Is it coloured?

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