Saturday 23 December 2006

Classic Herd

On the positive side, my partner managed to snaffle the last pack of bacon from the farm shop, and also brought home some milk and sausages for us to try.

On the negative side my partner spotted three bull calves in crates on the farm, and wondered if this means that there is veal being produced on the farm. The crates were big enough for the animals to turn round.

We don't support veal production though - if an animal is to be kept, keep it healthy. Restricting movement so that muscles do not develop properly hardly seems healthy.

I know that there are extremes of veal production - calves head tied so they cannot turn or lay (who end up standing in their own urine, damaging their legs and feet) and calves fed an iron deficient diet to keep them anemic and their flesh pale. I know the UK has laws preventing the worst cases of this treatment to calves, which is why UK veal is not as white or tender as veal produced in some other countries, but I have no idea what the laws are in Jersey.

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